The Crossbats Chilli Challenge 2021: Sow your seeds now!
Only £5 per entrant Back by popular demand, 2021 will see the return of the once-famous Crossbats Chilli Challenge. Starting now, Crossbats are invited to cultivate prize winning chillies to be judged by world-renowned chilli-experts at an end-of season event to be announced. In addition to eternal fame, prizes, subject to the confirmation of our expert panel and at the discretion of the management, may be awarded for: • The Bell End Chilli Pepper Award – for the chilli which frankly wasn’t worth growing Please note that anyone found cheating by not growing their own chillies will be disqualified and forced to do something probably illegal and certainly painful with the raw chillies. Please register your participation with the Social Secretaries READY, STEADY, GROW! To enter fill in the form below and also make a payment for entry of £5 to Crossbats CC Bank Account as follows: Crossbats CC Sort: 60-60-02 Account No: 53563174