Nickname: Oooooooomar! Enjoys: Deceptively slow bowling (given the bounding run up) Best Skill: Leg stump leaves; sweating Strength: His left buttock; His suitcase Weakness: Propensity to write his name on all his kit; Tendency to play straight balls with his left buttock Funniest Moment: Being hit by the ball, twice, during a tour match in…
Crossbats C.C. > 2019
March 29, 2022
Umer Ahmed
May 3, 2021
Alan Carter
Nickname: Mupes, Muppet Best Skill: The sweepy, paddly thing to the leg Weakness: Belief in right and wrong; fondness for French DJs? (Inappropriate touching on tour he put down to beer after “concussion”) Dislikes: Inappropriate banter Biggest Fear: Boris Funniest Moment: “Concussion” on tour Best Moment: The century he scored for Crossbats (just before the…
January 21, 2020
Bobby Brown
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